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Shivi CFA® WorldWide Exam

If you pass our exam you pass CFA®

About our exam:

•LIVE CFA® mock exam, like the real CFA®

•Computer adaptive timed exam

•Results immediately

•Worldwide Rankings


FREE STUDY MATERIALS (with our exam)

•Mock quizzes

•Study guide

•Formula Sheets

Image by Kyle Glenn

Shivi CFA® WorldWide Exam

If you pass our exam you pass CFA®

Are you thinking of taking  the CFA® exam? Are you sure you will pass the exam and your £1000 won’t be wasted? Or, you are new to the financial industry and want to try a CFA® mock exam to understand the exam?  Have you studied hard but want to know if you can pass the exam? These and other questions challenge candidates who take the CFA® exam.


Shivi CFA® Worldwide exam offers an effective solution to these questions. Our CFA® Mock exam replicates a real CFA® exam and is a computer-adaptive, timed exam. Appearing for our mock exam is equivalent to the real CFA® exam and will provide a student more confidence in the actual exam. The results will be provided, and your worldwide ranking will be provided before your actual CFA® exam date. The worldwide ranking helps our students understand how they performed compared to other candidates appearing for the exam.   

If you are planning to appear for the CFA® exam, you certainly have a financial analyst mind. You already invest wisely even in your daily life. Why not do so here? Our worldwide exam series is available for £5 that includes the computer adaptive timed mock exam, mock quizzes, study guide, and formula sheets.


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